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Zuständigkeit: Value-Based Controlling, Selected Issues in Controlling I und II, Strategic Controlling, Seminare, Betreuung des Fördervereins



Homburg, C., Lapp, L.O.J., and Schick, R. (to appear in 2024), "Mining for 'Green Diamonds' - Value Relevance of Greenhouse Gas Emissions", in: Lee, C.F., Lee, A., and Lee, J.C. (ed.): Handbook of Investment Analysis, Portfolio Management, and Financial Derivatives, Singapur: World Scientific.

Homburg, C., Hoppe, A., Schick, R., and Braul, A. (2021), "Accounting for Preference Dependency in Target Costing - A Note", Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 57 (3), 845-858, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11156-021-00962-9.


Understanding Corporate Payouts and Asymmetric Cost Behavior