Informationen zur Anmeldung und Vergabe
DE: Merkblatt zur Anfertigung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten
EN: Guideline for the Preparation of Scientific Theses
Einverständniserklärung zur Plagiatsprüfung
General remarks concerning bachelor theses:
- You need to apply via KLIPS for a bachelor thesis at the Area Accounting, after which you will be allocated to the respective departments (if possible depending on your preference). There are two application rounds per year, details are provided in KLIPS.
- Example for the winter term 2022: The application deadline is August 9th. After you received a placement you have to hand in your preference list until September 18th.
- If you are among the candidates allocated to our department, please send your application as a PDF file per email to Mr. Timo Pauen (timo.pauen Your application should include (1) a motivation letter explaining why you want to write your thesis at our department and what you plan to do after the thesis, (2) a CV, (3) a list with exam grades.
- You will be contacted by your thesis supervisor at the latest by the mid of Octobre (April, summer term).
- Hand-in of the thesis: In case the examination office provides you with the opportunity to hand-in the thesis digitally, we accept this procedure as well. Please make sure that you provide your supervisor with the relevant documents, which might not be part of the digital hand-in (e.g., STATA-files).